personality hire things

Stop Asking Me About My
Side Hustle

This article garnered tens of thousands of views and was celebrated by moms juggling jobs, young professionals, and mental health advocates alike. It led to open discussions and podcast episodes about side hustle culture and it also annoyed one group of people so much that they made an award show for side hustles in response. Oops.

Shrek x Advertising
the Thread

I’m a Shrek enthusiast through and through. He’s my bestie. He’s my alter ego. So I did a lil mashup of daily ad life and the best film of all time.

People ran with it, made spin off content with their fave movie/shows, and it got a cool 240k impressions.

My Most Viral Tweet

Twitter (I’ll say X if you make me in a client call, I guess) has been a life force for me since high school. And nothing brings me more joy than bringing my mother’s oddities and family drama to the whole world on a whim.

Super Bowl Ad Bot
vs. Humans

Adweek celebrates #biggame season every year with their Super Bowl Ad Bot AI. But this year, they pitted industry peeps (including meee) against the bot to see if the world could guess who wrote what.